dimanche 20 mars 2011

Emma Goldman et la solitude du/de la révolutionnaire

The revolutionary, the social and human significance of Lonely Lives consists in the lesson that the real revolutionist -- the dreamer, the creative artist, the iconoclast in whatever line -- is fated to be misunderstood, not only by his own kin, but often by his own comrades. That is the doom of all great spirits: they are detached from their environment. Theirs is a lonely life -- the life of the transition stage, the hardest and the most difficult period for the individual as well as for a people.

Emma Goldman.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Parlant d'Emma Goldman:


Voilà qui me semble plus raisonnable!

Anonyme a dit…

Parlant d'Emma Goldman:


Voilà qui me semble plus raisonnable!